Part of speech: NOUN
What is Motivation?
Motivation is the invisible force that fuels our actions and propels us towards our goals. It’s the spark that ignite our pasion and keeps us going, even when the road gets rocky. In essence, motivation is what transforms our desires into reality, guiding and sustaining us in our quest for success.
Synonyms for Motivation:
Driving Force
Types of Motivation
Motivation isn’t one-size-fits-all; it comes in different flavours, each with its own unique power. The two types are extrinsic and intrinsic motivations.
Extrinsic motivation comes from outside of us, like a gentle nudge in the right direction. It’s driven by external rewards or incentives - money, rewards, recognition. The key here is that the drive to act is fuelled by the desire for something outside ourselves.
Intrinsic motivation comes from within. This type of motivation is self-sustaining and doesn’t rely on any outside validation.
External versus Internal Motivation: Which is better?
The magic happens when we find a balance between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Sometimes, we need a little external push to get started - like joining a gym because of a health incentive or to keep up with friends. But as we begin to enjoy the process and feel the benefits, intrinsic motivation can take over, making the activity something we look forward to rather than a chore.
Motivation, whether it come from outside or inside, is the engine that drives our actions and helps up reach our goals.